Our Solutions


Our Solutions

We partner with ReDX Technologies and offer the following solutions. We can even further customize them to address your specific goals.

HPC Competitions Platform
Cloud-based HPC & AI Training Platform
HPC & AI Cluster Configurator

HPC Competitions Platform

The HPC competition platform is an online tool that enables sponsors to host High Performance Computing competitions with the goal to optimize the performance of their code on a specified computing platform.

Depending on the competition sponsor’s requirements, the optimizations may vary from code tuning, use of different programming models (MPI, OpenMP, CUDA, OpenACC, …), or even the use of different numerical methods. The target computing platform is typically similar to the competition sponsor’s current or future supercomputing production environment.

Competitors will then be able to subscribe to a competition and submit their most optimized code for a chance to win the competition prize announced by the host.